Business area

B2C, Customer data platforms, Data management, Digital commerce, PIM







The challenge

Moomin wanted to take an innovative step forward that would unite their digital and physical commerce channels but worked with a number of solutions that did not work with their new vision. Before choosing to update to a new solution, Moomin worked with simple and heavy systems that had weak interfaces and did not work well with each other. In addition, they were PC-based, provided limited transparency in operation, and had poor support. When it came to product information management, Moomin also decided to move away from siloed product management within their ecommerce and POS (Point of Sale) systems.

Moomin desired a more in-depth, intuitive, and connected experience for their fans and customers. Whether a customer goes to a Moomin pop-up store to make a purchase or browses their B2C ecommerce website at 1:00 AM, Moomin wanted to make the experience unified and seamless. In taking this step forward, Moomin needed to form new partnerships and adopt new technology to transform their IT architecture.

Their broader goal was to create a holistic sales system to support Moomin’s retail globally. This support system also would create a basic solution for the rapid and efficient expansion of its business into new global sales and marketing channels. To do this, they wanted a centralized solution for product information management and brought in Vaimo to integrate Akeneo PIM as a solution to this problem.

iPad Moomin

The solution

A PIM integration for the digital age

Moomin partnered with Vaimo to integrate its PIM solution, Sitoo’s cloud-based checkout system, and Voyado as a CRM provider. All three systems integrate seamlessly to provide a unique customer experience for countless Moomin admirers.

Moomin now has solutions that are easy to use. They allow store managers and partners to walk into stores and connect with customers in different ways—and they are no longer connected to a cash register. All of the product information is now managed in one centralised PIM system, from which the information can be published to all sales and marketing channels. The transition from silos and inefficient product data management to a enrich once, publish everywhere approach will help Moomin operate its product data management effectively, expand its business rapidly into new global sales and marketing channels, and increase sales.

Moomin now has an efficient product information management process with a customised migration tool built by Vaimo. The PIM system is integrated into multiple platforms, such as the ecommerce platform, the customer data platform (CDP), marketing automation, and their POS system. The PIM platform is future-proof and globally scalable, which provides a greater foundation for Moomin to scale up and promote omnichannel commerce in multiple markets.

The project delivery

Vaimo and Moomin focused on having active and transparent communication throughout the project. In addition to several on-site workshops and online meetings with Moomin, we communicated in a Slack channel where all stakeholders of Moomin and other Service Providers were present. Moomin now has an efficient product information management solution that can quickly scale to support new business cases set by Moomin’s digital strategy.

Moomin PIM Case Study

"Vaimo does especially well in crafting infrastructure, and this is shown through their understanding of product information, and integrations between different systems that don't naturally talk to each other. Having a core understanding of both the requirements of retail and ecommerce, Vaimo excelled in understanding the needs we had, both for the brick-and-mortar stores and online, as well as helping us understand how both channels could work together in the future."

Jonas Forth, Head of Digital, Moomin Characters

Moomin's future in digital commerce

Moomin’s scalable PIM solution allows them to expand into various new channels. As Moomin intends to use ecommerce as a base for supporting their physical channels worldwide, the PIM solution represents a crucial aspect of their global expansion while also allowing them to be truly digital-first.

Moomin PIM Case Study

Notable new features & system integrations:

  • Sitoo mPOS
  • Data Integration towards Shopify Plus platform
  • Voyado CDP / Marketing Automation Integration

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Vaimo builds digital experiences to help your business drive online sales and growth. Get the competitive edge today by partnering with our team of knowledgeable commerce experts whose number one goal is to help your business succeed.

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