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B2B Online Report 2019

WBR Insights surveyed 100 CEOs, CTOs, CDOs, VPs of Marketing and Digital, and Global Heads of ecommerce from B2B companies across Europe to find out more…

October 8, 2019
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Webinar: Evolving with B2BCX

Vaimo and Magento hosted an exclusive B2BCX webinar to help you boost your B2B customer experience.

August 12, 2019
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Vaimo M2 InRiver Connector

Vaimo and Magento 2 inRiver Connector: With the help of this connector, you can connect your Magento store with the inRiver Product Marketing Cloud and manage…

June 12, 2019
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Guide: Scale, Grow & Transform your Business with PIM

What is a PIM and how do you know that a PIM is right for you? With the help from our partner InRiver we will take…

May 7, 2019
Webinar on Magento 2

Webinar: Magento 2 Performance, UX & CRO

Vaimo and Magento hosted a webinar on the benefits of Magento 2. The webinar will guide you on migrating to Magento 2 for optimized performance, user…

April 12, 2019
InRiver Whitepaper

Whitepaper: 4 Tips InRiver PIM

Do you sell on range or do you sell on product story?

February 11, 2019
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B2B ebook: How to take your B2B business online

Whether you’re completely new to the concept of an online B2B sales portal or perhaps you’ve conducted some initial research into the idea, we’re here to…

February 8, 2019
AI Whitepaper

AI & Ecommerce Whitepaper

In our latest whitepaper, we teamed up with our partners to provide you with a comprehensive look at how we are all using AI and machine…

February 6, 2019

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