Vaimo GS1 Connector

Vaimo GS1 Connector: Effortless compliance and accuracy

Effortless compliance and accuracy

The Vaimo GS1 Connector ensures your product data stays aligned with the latest GS1 standards, automatically identifying and correcting any missing or incorrect information in your PIM system, so you remain compliant with ease.

Vaimo GS1 Connector: Time-saving automation

Time-saving automation

The connector automates the entire process of updating and synchronizing your data across multiple markets, saving you valuable time and reducing manual effort.

Vaimo GS1 Connector: Future-proof adaptability

Future-proof adaptability

Built on Vaimo’s advanced Connectmach microservices framework, the GS1 Connector is designed to evolve with your business, easily adapting to changing market requirements and expanding into new markets as needed.

Ready to see it in action?

Book your free demo today and discover how the GS1 Connector can make your life easier! In the demo, we will cover:

1. Overview
Get introduced to the GS1 Connector and how it can streamline your operations.

2. Process Mapping
See how the connector fits into your current processes with a tailored walkthrough.

3. Live Demo
Experience the connector’s features and capabilities in action.

4. Next Steps
Receive information on pricing, implementation, and ongoing support.

I want a free demo of the GS1 Connector!

How the GS1 Connector works

Integration with PIM

The GS1 Connector seamlessly integrates with your PIM system, mapping your product information to the GS1 standard. This ensures that all data meets the necessary requirements for global data synchronization.

Real-time updates

Any changes made to your product information in the PIM system are automatically detected and pushed to the GDSN data hubs, ensuring that your data is always up-to-date.

Diagram showing how GS1 works

Automated data validation and push

  • The Connector automatically validates your product information against the GS1 standards.
  • It identifies and highlights any missing information within the PIM system.
  • Once the data is complete and validated, it is automatically pushed to certified GDSN data hubs, ensuring compliance across all markets and classifications.
Diagram showing how GS1 works

Built on Connectmach framework

The Connector is powered by Vaimo’s Connectmach microservices framework, which ensures a robust, scalable, and flexible solution tailored to your business needs.

Expert implementation support

Our team, with extensive experience in working with GS1 standards, will assist you throughout the implementation process, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup.

Diagram showing how GS1 works

Who is this demo for?

Product managers

Ready to simplify your product data chaos? See how our connector can make GS1 compliance a breeze.

IT managers

Looking for a seamless integration with your PIM system? Let us show you how smooth it can be.

Ecommerce managers

Want to supercharge your product data distribution? Our connector is all about making your life easier.

Compliance officers

Need to keep up with global GS1 standards? We’ve got the perfect tool to keep you ahead of the game.

Business owners

Searching for a smarter, cost-effective way to boost efficiency? Discover how our connector can transform your operations.

Data analysts

Craving deeper insights and streamlined reporting? Our tool automates GS1 checks, making data analysis smoother than ever.

What to expect in your demo


Meet with a Vaimo representative for an overview of the GS1 Connector.

Process mapping02

Collaboratively map your current processes to explore how the connector can integrate with your systems.

Live demonstration03

Experience the GS1 Connector in action, highlighting its features and capabilities.

Next steps04

Receive details on pricing, implementation planning, and ongoing support to maintain GS1 compliance.

Meet Tommy Essenholm, Vaimo’s Head of Sales and Business Development, PIM

Tommy, Vaimo’s seasoned PIM specialist, boasts an extensive track record spanning over a decade in the field. Tommy has been a driving force behind Vaimo’s market-leading microservices framework, Connectmach, that empowers Vaimo clients to connect different platforms/databases for truly composable architecture.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Tommy and the team; they like to be challenged!

Book a demo

Image of Tommy Essenholm


GS1 is a global organization that develops and maintains standards for barcodes, RFID tags, and other methods to identify products, services, and locations. These standards help businesses improve supply chain efficiency, ensure accurate data, and facilitate global trade.

GS1 standards are crucial for ensuring your products can be accurately tracked and traced throughout the supply chain. This not only improves operational efficiency but also helps meet regulatory requirements and enhances customer trust.

GS1 standards streamline the flow of information by using unique identifiers, like barcodes, that are recognized globally. This reduces errors, speeds up processes like inventory management, and ensures accurate data across all partners in the supply chain.

GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) data pools are platforms that allow businesses to share and synchronize product data with trading partners in real-time. GS1 standards ensure that this data is accurate, consistent, and compliant with global requirements.

To ensure GS1 compliance, you can use tools like the Vaimo GS1 Connector, which integrates with your PIM system to automatically validate, update, and synchronize your product data according to GS1 standards. Regular audits and updates are also key.

A GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) is a unique identifier for products, and it’s encoded in a barcode, which is the visual representation of that data. The barcode can be scanned to retrieve the GTIN and access product information.

GS1 standards are regularly updated to keep pace with industry needs and technological advancements. Using tools like the Vaimo GS1 Connector can help you stay compliant, as it automatically adapts to changes in GS1’s data model and requirements.

Non-compliance with GS1 standards can lead to data inaccuracies, supply chain inefficiencies, and potential issues with trading partners. It may also result in penalties from regulatory bodies, depending on your industry.


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