Vaimo Rings in a Record Year with a Sales Increase of 50%
Vaimo, a leading global provider of e-commerce solutions on the Magento platform, increased its sales in 2016 by 50 percent to 193 million SEK, while the …

“Magento leads Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce “
Magento has been chosen as a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce, after being selected as the Challenger by Gartner last year! Gartner’s report assessed …

Vaimo’s Client Kaubamaja Wins Digital Excellence Award 2016
Photo: Marek Metslaid Kaubamaja- the winner of the Estonian Digital Excellence Award 2016, who received 40% of the votes, was announced at the eCommerce Annual Conference …

Selver and Kaubamaja Both Finalists in Digital Excellence Awards 2016
On April 18th, 2017, The Estonian eCommerce Union shared the 6 finalists who have left an outstanding mark in theeCommerce landscape according to votes from a …

How to Market in Social Media Like a Professional
Photo credit: Äripäev On April 12th, 2017, Bliss Conference Centre hosted a “Best Marketing” marketing conference about how to market in social media like a professional; read about …

Magento Imagine 2017: Wednesday
The familiar faces of Jamie Clarke and Mark Lavelle greeted us bright and early (too bright and early for some after the previous evening’s celebrations) at the morning keynote session …

This Tuesday: Magento Imagine 2017
The second day began explosively as expected, as the Wynn Hotel’s colossal conference room filled up fast with over 2,500 eager attendees. World explorer, entrepreneur, and …

Vaimo Promoted to Magento Global Elite Partner
We are proud to share that Vaimo has been promoted to Magento Global Elite Partner as of April 1st, 2017, as one of only five partners worldwide chosen to join …

Monday: Magento Imagine 2017
This year, 9 Vaimoers flew in from our offices worldwide to join Magento’s Imagine Commerce 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, at the Wynn Hotel. Magento …

Vaimo attended D-Congress in Sweden
ABOUT D-CONGRESS AND WHAT WE DID THERE D-Congress is the Nordic nordic meeting place for digital commerce, organised by the Swedish Trade Federation and the Swedish Exhibition …

3 Vaimo Clients up for awards at Magento Imagine 2017
We are very happy to reveal that three of our clients are the finalists in 2017 Magento Imagine Excellence Awards. Magento’s Excellence Awards highlight and award extraordinary …