Tommy Essenholm, Vaimo’s Head of Sales and Business Development for PIM, shares insights on how the GS1 Connector is transforming the way businesses manage compliance. With over a decade of experience in the field, Tommy has been a key player in the development of Vaimo’s Connectmach framework, designed to simplify platform integration and enable composable architecture for Vaimo’s clients.


What is GS1?

Before looking at the solution, let’s understand what GS1 is and why it matters. As Tommy explains, “GS1 is basically a global organization that sets the standards for how businesses communicate, especially when it comes to things like barcodes. You know those barcodes you see on almost everything? GS1 created the system behind them.”

GS1 standards ensure that products, services, and information can be consistently identified and shared across the globe. “It’s all about making trade more efficient, safe, and transparent,” Tommy adds.

Compliance with GS1 standards requires businesses to use the right product identification codes and barcodes. “This means registering for a GS1 Company Prefix, which allows them to create unique codes for their items,” Tommy clarifies. “They also have to ensure that the information about their products—like descriptions, prices, and other details—is accurate and up-to-date.”

GS1 Compliance at-a-glance: What businesses need to do

To comply with GS1 standards, businesses need to:

  • Register for a GS1 company prefix: This allows them to create unique identification codes for their products.
  • Ensure accurate product information: Details like descriptions, prices, and specifications must be up-to-date and consistent.
  • Follow GS1 guidelines: Ensuring product data is readable and understood across different platforms and supply chains is key to maintaining compliance.

The inspiration behind Vaimo’s GS1 Connector

Recognizing the challenges many businesses face with GS1 compliance, Vaimo saw an opportunity to create a solution. Tommy recounts, “We noticed that several of our existing clients had to deal with GS1 compliance. During our discovery process, it became clear that this was a huge headache for them—really inefficient, time-consuming, and prone to errors.”

The timing was perfect for Vaimo to step in. “As a consultancy, when we see something like that, we see a real opportunity to step in and solve the problem,” Tommy explains. “The other puzzle piece is that we already had created a software layer designed to connect point-to-point systems. This meant we didn’t have to start from scratch, which made it easier and quicker for us to tackle the GS1 issue.”

How does the GS1 Connector work?

The GS1 Connector serves two primary use cases, which Tommy breaks down in detail:

  1. For manufacturers: “If you’re a manufacturer, your biggest challenge is syndicating data into GS1. You need to be compliant with GS1 standards, but the information you need is often scattered across your ERP system, PIM system, or other platforms. There’s usually no clear template, making it hard to figure out what GS1 actually requires.” The GS1 Connector simplifies this process. “Our software makes this easy by clearly showing what GS1 requires based on the markets you’re operating in and the products you’re selling,” Tommy explains. “Our GS1 Connector tells you exactly which attributes you need to fill out to be compliant. It then pulls the necessary data from multiple systems, combines it, and automatically sends it out.”
  2. For retailers: “Let’s say you and I decide to start an online shop selling food and beverages. Normally, we’d have to manually input every product, find images, contact manufacturers for details, and so on. But with our software, we can just choose the brands and products we want to sell, pull all the necessary information directly from GS1, and have everything ready to go in no time.”

Tommy emphasizes the efficiency of this process: “We’re talking about accelerating business setup to the point where you can be up and running in a day. It’s an incredibly efficient process, and I think that’s pretty exciting.”

What makes the GS1 Connector stand out?

The GS1 Connector offers several significant advantages:

  1. Automation: “What makes our GS1 Connector unique is that it automates this process for you,” Tommy states. “Instead of manually updating and managing multiple systems, our Connector uses small agents that fetch the necessary information—like prices from your ERP, images from your DAM, and product details from your PIM. It then compiles all this data and sends it to GS1 automatically.”
  2. Flexibility: The connector can handle complex data structures and adapt to different market requirements. “Our GS1 Connector handles this complexity by mapping out these attributes and markets in a structured way,” Tommy explains.
  3. Time-saving: Eliminating manual data entry and management significantly reduces the time required for compliance. “Clients appreciate that they don’t need to worry about the technical details or manage attributes manually. We’ve seen that it saves time and reduces the need for extra staff,” Tommy notes.
  4. Cost-effective: It reduces the need for additional staff and resources dedicated to compliance.
  5. Future-proof: “If GS1 updates its requirements, our software will update, too,” Tommy assures.

Handling the complexity of different markets

One of the challenges in GS1 compliance is managing different requirements across markets. Tommy explains how the GS1 Connector handles this: “GS1 standards are based on a set of defined attributes—think of it as a big list of around 2,500 attributes. Every market uses a subset of these attributes, so while the exact requirements might vary, they all come from this core list.”

The GS1 Connector manages this complexity through careful mapping and configuration. “During setup, you specify which markets you’re operating in and what products you have. The Connector then ensures you’re using the correct attributes for each market and product type,” Tommy clarifies.

Client feedback

Initial feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive. Tommy notes, “Some clients were skeptical at first, thinking it might be too good to be true. But the Connector has simplified things beyond their expectations.” The automation provided by the Connector has reduced manual labor and the need for extra staff, streamlining the entire compliance process.

Built on Vaimo’s Connectmach framework

The GS1 Connector is implemented with Vaimo’s Connectmach microservices framework, leveraging modern programming languages for rapid adaptability and seamless integration of innovative functionalities.

Looking to the future, Vaimo is already planning to integrate digital product passports, which will be crucial for businesses operating in the EU. “If you’re compliant and want to generate a digital product passport, our system will enable you to do that seamlessly,” Tommy states. “By leveraging the Connectmach technology, we’ll gather the necessary information, compile it into a digital product passport, and then send it back into the PIM system as an attachment or asset linked to the product.”

Trends in the PIM space

The development of the GS1 Connector aligns with broader trends in the industry. Tommy notes a shift towards sustainability and traceability, driven by both consumer demand and regulatory requirements.

“I think the key trend we’re seeing in the PIM space is a shift towards sustainability and traceability, which is increasingly becoming a legal requirement,” he observes. “As regulations tighten, businesses will be compelled to provide detailed information about their products—how they’re packaged, where they come from, and their environmental impact.”

Tommy sees this as a positive development: “I believe it’s a positive development that the EU is enforcing these standards because it drives the industry towards greater transparency and accountability. Companies will find it harder to cut corners, as missing or inaccurate information will lead to penalties.” This trend is already evident among Vaimo’s clients, such as Asket, a clothing brand known for its traceable and transparent supply chain.

How Vaimo can help

With Vaimo’s GS1 Connector, businesses can streamline their compliance efforts, reduce manual workloads, and stay ahead of evolving global standards. The combination of automation, flexibility, and foresight into market trends positions the GS1 Connector as a game-changing tool for businesses navigating the complexities of product information management and compliance.

By simplifying compliance, reducing costs, and preparing for future regulations, Vaimo is helping businesses stay ahead of the curve and meet the evolving demands of both regulators and consumers.

Tommy concludes with a powerful observation: “The trend is clear: transparency and sustainability are becoming non-negotiable in the marketplace.” With solutions like the GS1 Connector, Vaimo is not just helping businesses comply with standards—it’s helping them build a stronger bridge to a more sustainable and transparent future.

Want to experience the magic of the GS1 Connector for yourself–for free? Sign up for a free demo here.