On Thursday, March 21, a group of digital leaders in Stockholm came together to share insights about how to take the next steps towards accessibility compliance. The event was led by Suna Koljonen, head of growth consulting at Vaimo, and Lennart Engelhardt, social entrepreneur and founder of Funka, a market leader in the field of digital accessibility in Europe. The reason for the event was the approaching deadline of the European Accessibility Act (EAA), the EU directive that is set to make online spaces more inclusive for people with disabilities.

Do you need to get a better understanding of the act itself and what it will require of businesses?
In this case we recommend you read this blog post first.

As the EAA’s 2025 deadline gets closer, businesses need to start preparing to ensure their websites and mobile applications are compliant. But where to begin?

This blog post outlines the actionable steps, shared at the event, for e-commerce businesses to kickstart their work towards not only obtaining but maintaining EAA compliance, ensuring they’re continuously adhering to regulations all the while opening their doors wider to a more diverse customer base.


Accessibility work is an ongoing process that needs to be embedded in everything whether it’s software development process or content creation process. Suna Koljonen, Head of growth consulting at Vaimo

Step 1: Get more people involved and craft your strategy

Distributing the responsibility for accessibility across multiple teams is essential—aim to involve individuals from various departments, ensuring that the task isn’t shouldered by just one person. Secure the commitment of at least one stakeholder who is genuinely interested and can champion the accessibility initiatives within your organization. For most companies, seeking external expertise to assist in formulating the accessibility strategy is advisable.

Usually the challenge is that one person gets the responsibility, usually a ux designer or someone responsible for the web. A lot of the time this person is really lonely with a very limited budget and no mandate. This way is better than doing nothing, but it’s not going to be fundamental and will not work long term. Lennart Engelhardt, social entrepreneur and founder of Funka

If broadening the involvement seems impossible at this point, then you should make sure to get started anyway. Taking the first step towards this change, however small, is key. In this case, start with small, manageable steps and by educating your team across all departments. Tailor training and awareness programs to the specific roles within your organization, recognizing that designers, developers, project managers, and stakeholders will have different learning needs.

Step 2: Consider usability for all

Design your e-commerce site with diverse user groups in mind. This includes individuals with various disabilities but also for example seniors with varying degrees of digital literacy, users in areas with limited internet access, and those from lower-income backgrounds. It’s often overlooked that accessibility needs can be temporary or situational, due to things like a broken arm or having to carry a child. Ensuring your site is navigable and understandable by everyone, regardless of their physical or socioeconomic conditions, is key to a truly inclusive digital platform. Take the time to understand the context in which your users interact with your products and services. Recognizing the challenges they face can turn potential obstacles into opportunities for enhancing accessibility and user experience.

Step 3: Implement web accessibility standards

Begin by familiarizing yourself with web accessibility standards and guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These guidelines offer a comprehensive framework for making digital content accessible to a wide range of people with disabilities, including visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments. Understanding and implementing WCAG standards is the cornerstone of creating accessible e-commerce experiences. It’s advisable to aim for the latest version of the guidelines (2.2) which will most likely be a part of most EU countries’ legislation by June 2025.

Step 4: Enhance assistive technology compatibility

Assess and ensure that your site is fully compatible with assistive technologies such as screen readers, voice recognition software, and alternative input devices. This compatibility allows users with diverse abilities to engage with your site in the way that works best for them, ensuring no one is excluded from accessing your products and services.

Step 5: Focus on clear, descriptive content

The clarity of your site’s content directly impacts its accessibility. Use concise and descriptive language for labels, headings, and instructions. Provide alternative text for all images and icons to ensure that users who rely on screen readers can still experience your site’s full value. Actual content should be written in simple language for everyone to understand it.

Step 6: Commit to testing and continuous improvement

Regular testing is crucial for maintaining an accessible e-commerce site. Use tools like Accessibility Cloud or conduct manual reviews to identify and prioritize areas for improvement, focusing on fixing contrast errors and ensuring your site’s perceivability, operability, and robustness. This ongoing process demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and accessibility.

How Vaimo and Funka can help

Together, we can create a more inclusive world. Our strategic partnership with Funka enhances this mission, as they guide our clients in crafting robust accessibility strategies to achieve and maintain compliance. Meanwhile, we focus on ensuring our clients meet the technical standards required for compliance.

With the European Accessibility Act (EAA) set to be a permanent fixture, businesses need to adapt their strategies to prioritize accessibility. This initiative should align with the interests of C-level executives and is closely connected to the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) agenda, resonating with consumers who favor brands committed to sustainability.

Recognizing that accessibility is not merely a project but a continuous, evolving journey is crucial. It must be intricately woven into the fabric of the software development lifecycle.

We understand that achieving and maintaining compliance can be an overwhelming task. If you need help getting started, we are here to assist you.

We’re constantly improving the experience for our clients and their customers, and helping our clients meet the requirements of the European Accessibility Act is one of our priorities. Visit our Accessibility page to learn more.

About the speakers

Suna Koljonen – Head of growth consulting, Nordics, Vaimo

Suna is eCommerce consultant at Vaimo Finland and she helps clients to grow their digital sales channels and prioritise development. She helps clients to find areas for growth and innovation. Her career began in marketing 20 years ago and from there she has moved from the business to the intersection of business and technology. Suna has experience from both the customer and IT vendor side. She has worked in various industries at Gasum, Schneider Electric, Rexel, and Digia.

Lennart Engelhardt – Founder, Funka

As a social entrepreneur, Lennart Engelhardt is passionate about using business solutions for social good. He has dedicated his career to creating positive changes through innovative ventures.

Lennart founded Funka over 20 years ago, a company today recognized as a market leader in the field of digital accessibility in Europe focusing on making digital spaces accessible for everyone. Funka has not only contributed to the shaping of international accessibility standards but has also consistently ensured that its strategies align with the financial sustainability of its customers, proving that economic growth and social responsibility can go hand in hand.

Today, Lennart remains at the forefront as a dynamic speaker and leader, championing inclusion for all and guiding businesses towards inclusive digital practices.


1 – World Health Organization, Disability, Key facts
2 – The Billion-Customer Opportunity: Digital Accessibility