a woman standing in front of a computer

Three ways to drive value from your existing customer data for customer acquisition

We often talk about how a customer data platform (CDP) and first party data will help you know your customers better and allow for a smoother user experience orchestration. On the other side, what we do not mention as much is how your CDP can help you increase reach and find new customers within but …

July 17, 2024
tiny figure standing in front of a pink house

Customer data integration: The business value of synching your digital data with your physical stores

With consumer’s expectations growing faster than ever, many brands are taking the steps of offering consistent customer experiences. However, bridging the gap between the digital and offline worlds has always been a challenge for marketing teams in the past. Today, data and technology have the power of helping teams do customer data integration just right. …

June 20, 2024
woman standing in front of a colorful background

Data privacy compliance: surviving in a privacy-first world

Data privacy compliance has taken center stage in the past few years. From the introduction of the GDPR in 2018 to increased enforcement and fines for privacy breaches, the shift towards a privacy-first online environment is unmistakable. This shift also affects the consumer trust level in brands – with various impact levels depending on the …

June 5, 2024
text what is a customer data strategy CDP

Understanding and leveraging a Customer Data Platform (CDP)

In the modern business landscape, data, specifically customer data, has become a pivotal asset. When effectively utilized, it can rapidly propel a company’s growth trajectory. However, the common practice of storing customer data in silos, segregated by the teams managing the workflows, can hinder the organization’s ability to leverage this data to orchestrate a seamless …

August 17, 2023

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